What is Trustily?

Trustily aims to be an affordable and trusted partner in helping you manage your online reputation. Our small but dedicated team of marketing and technology enthusiasts hopes to change the landscape of digital reputation management by putting the power back in your hands (while keeping that hard earned cash in your pockets too :).

Our Mission

The world is often overly complicated and expensive. We aim to make the management of your online reputation an uncomplicated, affordable part of business operations. We truly believe in the power of customer reviews – seeing them not merely as words, but as potent drivers that can mould the success of your brand.

With this in mind, we've created a platform that centralizes and transforms the management of reviews (that are normally scattered across the Internet) into a cost-effective and hassle-free experience.

Who We Are

Got ROAS is a small and dynamic marketing agency operating primarily from Grand Rapids and Traverse City, Michigan. We've combined years of marketing and development experience to offer a focused service that brings value to our clients. We value work/life balance and aim to deliver the same to our clients by offering high and sustainable ROAS, automated tools, and AI-based solutions.

These tools streamline processes, minimize dependency, and reduce overhead costs. In the end, our goal is to help you achieve what we value most: a simple, enjoyable, and automated balance between work and life.

What We Offer

Trustily, our reputation management solution, revamps your approach to managing and utilizing customer reviews. Regardless of your business size or industry, this customized tool and service tailors to you and helps quickly and affordably elevate your online reputation.

Trustily was initially intended as an investment made available only to our existing clients, but we've expanded our reach to provide an affordable service to anyone using a strictly self-service model. The platform comes with an extensive documentation portal for troubleshooting.

Got ROAS Agency Clients (Marketing & Development) are provided dedicated support to Trustily.

Key Features:

Review Monitoring: Stay updated about your online presence with real-time alerts for reviews across more than 65 platforms.

Feedback Aggregation: Consolidate customer feedback from various sources for easy management and efficient follow-ups.

Sentiment Analysis: Leverage our advanced analytics to gain a deeper understanding of customer sentiment and enhance your brand's appeal.

Review Generation: Boost your review volume with our customizable review request campaigns to create constructive dialogue with your customers.

Competitive Benchmarking Stay a step ahead by comparing your performance with competitors and identifying potential growth areas.

Self-Service Documentation Portal: In addition to our affordable offerings, we equip you with a comprehensive, continually updated documentation library to facilitate our self-service approach to pricing.

Consider an affordable approach and try 14 days of Trustily, free on us. We hope to transform your customer feedback into a valuable asset that drives your brand's success.

Please note that our prices are affordable and reasonable due to our strict self-support model. Non-agency clients are provided a self service documentation portal. Limited support is available, but requests are unlikely to be answered quickly. We assure you that we're continually improving our resources for your convenience. If you need assistance beyond this, please feel free to reach out to us via email.

Enjoy a FREE 14 Day Trial

No questions asked.
No credit card required.
Email services are limited during trial periods to avoid abuse.
© 2024 Got ROAS LLC and 945 Ventures LLC. All Rights Reserved.